


[入籍加拿大] 2019加拿大入籍考试真题面试题回忆汇总+中英文版Discover Canada

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WLU 发表于 2013-2-16 02:45:42 | 显示全部楼层
1. Which part covers one third of Canada
The northwest territories,Nunavut and Yukon
2. What are the Prairie Provinces?
Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba
3. A woman just got elected to the House of Commons, what is she called?
4. Mr. X is 36 years old, has a job and became a Canadian citizen 3 months back, Can he become a candidate?

5. Where do you see the Coat of Arms of Canada?
On Dollar bills,government documents and public buildings.

6. What is meant by secret ballot?
No one can watch you vote and no one should look at how you voted.

7. Which military alliance did Canada join after Second World War?
Democratic Allies 同盟国

8. What did the battle of Vimy Ridge secured for Canada?

9. X is a descendent of French Colonist in the Maritime Province, What is she called?

10. Question on July 1, 1867.

11. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms contains which phrase?
Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.

12. Which is the most populated province?

13. Which of these are NOT rights (The answer was Right to prevent others from Freedom of Expression.)

14. What is NorthWest Mounted Police now known as?

15. How many Ridings?

16. What is meant by Voluteering?

17. (Parliamentary democracy…Constitutional Monarchy, Federal State

18. From which civilization are Canadians descendent of? (French & English)

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WLU 发表于 2013-2-16 02:48:40 | 显示全部楼层
1. Who choses the cabinet ministers (This one seemed tricky to me as the Governor general appoints on the advice of prime minister. I selected Priminister chooses) 总理组阁天经地义

2. What are the two official languages and symbols of Canada

3. After whom is Canada's highest mountain named (all four choices had the last name as Logan)

4. Who were well established in Canada before the explorers from Europe.

5. Which group of Aboriginal people live in small, scattered communities across the Arctic.

6. If you are a first time voter and have not recived the election card what do you do.

7. In which unsuccessful battles did Canada encounter heavy casualties.

8. What is RCMP?

9. What does NAFTA enable?

10. Who are Joseph-Armand Bombardier, Sir Sandford Fleming and two other names I can't recall.

11. After the election usually the leader of the part with most seats in the house of commons becomes.

12. What are the levels of Government in Canada.

13. If you need legal assistance and you can not afford it what options are avilable to you.

14. Why is crown a symbol (or something like that).

15. Which of the below belong to the service industries.

16. Where is canada's lartgest naval base located.----哈里法克斯

17. What do we remember on Nov 11.

18. People who donate time with out pay are known as.

19. Which war with canada fight from 1950 - 1953.

20. What are the steps involved in passing a bill.


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WLU 发表于 2013-2-19 08:01:33 | 显示全部楼层

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WLU 发表于 2013-2-19 08:02:39 | 显示全部楼层

1, 法律之下,男女平等,体现在,女士可以:
a 上学
b 选举MP
c 做任何她合资格做的工作
d 以上皆是

2 保密选举的重要性:
a 选举结果可以在选举后立刻对外公布
b 使投票人不会受到外界的压力,不用担心后果

3 什么是加入加拿大社会的活动:
a 参军
b 做义工
c 投票选举
d 以上皆是

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WLU 发表于 2013-2-19 08:03:50 | 显示全部楼层
1, french colonist 的后代:Acadians
2, don't have money to hire lawyer -- legal aids
3, pei, NB, NS, New foundlan -- atlantic provinces
4, sir arthur currie attended ww1
5, 拉丁文的意思:from sea to sea
6, federal states means every level of gov has different responsibilities
7, code of arms shows on d. All of above
8, burnt building: central block of parliament
9, 38 yrs old , just got citizenship 3 weeks ago, has right to be voted~ yes, because he is citizen and over 18
10, finish the sentence: new comers to canada has to embrace some democrat principles as --"rule of law"
11, biggest pulp production: Quebec
12, Canada won't tolerate : d. All of above (spouse abuse, honor killing,还有一个什么不记得)
13,What happened on jul 1,1876--birth of dominion of canada
14, Saskachoowan is the wheat province because of--large production of grains and seeds..
15, equal rights, d, all of above (gay/lesbian, language, Religion)
16, Canada's name came from village
17, parliament system includes soveirgn, house of common and what--senate
18, volunteer can -- build your network and ...
19, the organization Canada is not in -- a, 名字忘记了。the other three are是WTO/UN/NAFTA


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一触即发 发表于 2013-3-6 10:20:23 | 显示全部楼层
游客 99.x.x.x 发表于 2013-3-6 09:45


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DSG 发表于 2013-3-22 03:56:16 | 显示全部楼层
转网友2013年3月参加安省的加拿大公民考试真题,一出考场就马上默写了我考的20道题。个人感觉 Discover Canada 的书一定要仔细看一下,我在下面先列出我复习的notes,再贴默写的真题,然后是我用到的几个非常有用的做模拟练习的网站。真题和模拟练习还是略有却别,但是模拟练习绝对覆盖了考试的知识点,所以多做模拟练习还是很有用的。


Which Act gave citizens the right to challenge unlawful detention: habeas corpus

People in Quebec live along St. Lawrence River

Which province has a long history of coal mining, forestry and agriculture? Nova Scotia

What is the name of the Leader of official opposition at federal level? Thomas Mulcair

What is the name of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario? David Onley

Who suggested the name Dominion of Canada in 1864: Sir Leonard Tilley

When was the first financial institutions opened in Canada? Late 18th and early 19th centuries

Who recommended that the Upper and Lower Canada be merged and given a responsible government: Lord Durham

Who built the French Empire in North America: Jean Talon, Bishop Laval and Count Frontenac

When is the Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day celebrated? 20th of November

Who was John Graves Simcoe? Founder of the city of Toronto

When was the Constitution of Canada amended? 1982

What is celebrated on the 15th of February? National Flag of Canada Day
Magna Carta, 1215, the Great Charter of Freedoms, religion, thought, speech, peaceful assembly, association

The Constitution of Canada, 1982: “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law”; mobility rights, aboriginal people rights, official language rights, multicultural
Responsibilities: obeying the law, family, jury, vote, help others, environment

1497, John Cabot: map

1550, Jacques Cartier: across the Atlantic for Francis I, Kanata, village

1670, King Charles II of England, Hudson’s Bay

1759, Battle, Quebec City

1774, Quebec Act, religious freedom

1776, United States, Loyal to the Crown, Loyalists, black Loyalists

1758, Halifax, Nova Scotia; 1773, PEI; 1785, New Brunswick; The Constitutional Act of 1791 divided Quebec into upper (ON) and lower Canada

1791, Canada became official name

1807, British prohibited slaves, 1833, empire, the North Star

1832, Montreal stock exchange

1812, Chief Tecumseh, Major-General Sir Isaac Brock,

1813, burned Government House and Parliament in York

1814, Major-General Robert Ross, burn white house

1837, rebellions, Lord Durham, responsible government
Father of Confederation: Sir Etienne-Paschal Tache, Sir George-Etienne Cartier, Sir John A. Macdonald

1840 Upper and Lower Canada united as Provice of Canada
La Fontaine, French, First leader of a responsible government

1867 July, 1, British North America Act, Dominion Day until 1982, Self governing dominion, Canada Day
$1, King George V

1870, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, 1871, BC, 1873, PEI, 1880, Arctic Islands to NWT

1898, Yukon, 1905, Alberta, Saskatchewan, 1949, Newfoundland and Labrador, 1999, Nunavut

1867, John A. Macdonald, First Prime Minister, lawyer, January 11, $10
George-Etienne Cartier, Quebec, railway lawyer

1869, Louis Riel, father of Manitoba

1873, North West Mounted Police, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), symbol

1885, Canadian Pacific Railway, ribbons of steel
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, first French prime minister, $5

1899, South African War

1914, World War I, 1917, Vimy, 10000 killed, birth of a nation, April 9, Vimy Day

1918, General Sir Arthur Currie, greatest soldier, 60,000 killed, 170,000 wounded

1917, Dr. Stowe, suffragettes, 1918, most 21 female, 1921, Agnes MacPhail woman
MP, 1940, Quebec women vote

110,000 Died

1934, Bank of Canada

1944 D-Day, Normandy, 15,000 troops, Juno Beach, Liberated Netherlands
1 million soldiers and Newfoundlanders out of 11.5 million, 44, 000 killed

1941, Hong Kong

1942, Dieppe, France
WTO, world Trade Organization

1951, afford food

1940, Employment Insurance
NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NORAD, North American Aerospace Defense Command
UN, United Nations

1950, South Korea

1960, Quebec, Quiet Revolution

1969, Official Languages Act

1970, La Francophonie

1948, Japanese vote

1960, Aboriginal vote

1965, new flag,
Basketball, James Naismith, 1891
Hockey, Wayne Gretzky

1985, Rick Hansen, wheelchair

Nobel Prize: Gerhard Herzberg, John Polanyi, Sidney Altman, Richard Taylor, Michael Smith, Bertram Brockhouse
Snowmobile: Joseph-Armand Bombardier
Time Zones: Sir Sanford Fleming
Light bulb: Matthew Evans, Henry Woodward
Radio, Voice message: Reginald Fessenden
Brain Surgeon: Dr. Wilder Penfield
Cardiac pacemaker, heart disorders: Dr. John A. Hoops
RIM: Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie
Insulin, 16 million diabetes: Sir Frederick Banting, Charles Best


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DSG 发表于 2013-3-22 03:58:13 | 显示全部楼层


Recalled after the test, sequence may not be identical.
1.A woman is a descendant of French colonists who began settling in what are now the Maritime Provinces in 1604, then she is a: Acadian.

2.If you need a layer but cannot afford it, what can you do? Ask for legal aid service.

3.Why do the Canadian Federal Government and Provincial Government have different responsibilities? Because Canada is a federal state and the government is divided into different levels to be responsible for specific activities.

4.What are the three parts of Canadian Parliament? The Sovereign, The House of Common, and The Senate.

5.Due to the equality men and women, which of the following is not tolerated by Canadians? A. spouse abuse; B. “Honor Killing”; C. forced marriage; D. All of the above. Answer: D

6.A man became Canadian citizen 3 weeks ago, 36 years old, has a job. Can he be a candidate for the federal election? Yes, he is over 18 and a Canadian citizen.

7.What are the so called Atlantic Provinces of Canada? Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.

8.Which of the following is burned down in 1916? Answer: the Centre Block of the Parliament House

9.What does Canada’s national motto “A mari usque ad mare” mean? From sea to sea.

10.Where can we see the coat of arms? Dollar bills, government documents, public buildings

11.Which province has the most production of pulp and paper, as well as the hydroelectricity? Answer: Quebec

12.What is July 1st, 1867? The birth of the Dominion of Canada

13.What would you link Sir Arthur Currie to? The World War I

14.We can see Canada’s multiculturalism from: A. …B. many non-official languages are spoken in families; C. Gay and lesbian are protected from discrimination by the law; D. All of the above. Answer: D.

15.Where did the name “Canada” come from? From Aboriginal language “Kanata”, means village

16.Which organization does Canada NOT belong to? A. …; B. WTO; C. NATO; D. UN. Answer: A.

17.Being a volunteer can: learn skills and develop friends and contacts.

18.New comers to Canada are encouraged to embrace the democratic principles such as: the rule of law.

19.What does “presumption of innocence” mean? Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

20.Saskatchewan is known as Canada’s “basket of bread” because: it has the most production of grain and oil seeds.


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DSG 发表于 2013-3-22 03:59:24 | 显示全部楼层


The following websites are excellent for online simulation testing:




Remember to choose your PROVINCE before start!


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斗地主 发表于 2013-3-23 02:13:30 | 显示全部楼层
DSG 发表于 2013-3-22 03:56
转网友2013年3月参加安省的加拿大公民考试真题,一出考场就马上默写了我考的20道题。个人感觉 Discover Can ...


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