倚天照海花无数 发表于 2013-8-5 11:05:54

121:What is the name of the Royal Anthem of Canada?
God Save the Queen(or King)

122:In what capacity have 110,000 Canadians given their lives?
Fighting for Canadain our Armed Forces

123:What is the significance of the Battle of Vimy Ridge to Canadians?
This important Canadian victory in the first world war secured the canadians reputation for valour英勇.

124:The citizens in each electoral district elect one member of house ofcommons?
YES! (The citizens ineach electoral district elect one MP who sits in the House of Commons to represent them, as well as all Canadians.)

125:The most easterly point in North America and has its own time zone
Newfoundland andLabrador----最东边的时区

126:What is Terry Fox's contribution?
He inspired people to contribute money for cancer research

127:what is a Voter Information Card?
It confirms you nameis on the voter's list and tell you when and where to vote

128: What are the privileges of a Canadian citizen?
To vote.

129:Canada name source
kanata, meaning"village"

130:What is the requirement to vote in federal election
On voter list.

131:The act of Quebec signed in 1774 allowed people from Quebec to worship the Catholic religion. What are the repercussions on Canada’s modern society?
Everyone can worshipa religion as long as its respects the law.

132:What is the major religious affiliate in Canada?

133:The great majority of Cnandiand identify as
Christians --------对比上题,要小心

134: how long have aboriginal people lived in Canada
migrated from Asia thousand years ago

135:police or judges are above the law, is it correct?
no, everyone is equal under the law.

136:what do we pledge when we take oath?
obey the law in Canada and fulfill one's duty

137:what are some freedoms Canadians have?
free to live wherever in Canada and free speech or something

138:How does Canada;s legal system based on ?
It is based on Rule of law, freedom under the law, democratic principlesand due process.

139:what is mean"responsible goverment"?
The government must resign if loses the confidence in the assembly vote.

140:who can be the candidate?
candidate must be a Canadian citizen who is 18 years or older onelection day

倚天照海花无数 发表于 2013-8-5 11:06:06


where 发表于 2013-8-5 11:07:25


where 发表于 2013-8-5 11:07:35


where 发表于 2013-8-5 11:07:45


where 发表于 2013-8-5 11:07:58


where 发表于 2013-8-5 11:08:13


NewYork 发表于 2013-8-5 11:11:04


NewYork 发表于 2013-8-5 11:11:14


NewYork 发表于 2013-8-5 11:11:32

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